Vossius, Book: Vossius: Websters Timeline History, 1544 - 2006 - ICON Group International...

Book: Vossius: Websters Timeline History, 1544 - 2006 - ICON Group International, Inc.

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eBooks: Gerardi Ioannis Vossii De philologia liber - Antique Reprints

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Home: POSTER A3 Vossius Gymnasium - best art poster

Book: C. Julii Caesaris De Bellis Gallico Et Civili Pompejano, Nec Non A. Hirtii, Aliorumque De Bellis Alexandrino, Africano Et Hispaniensi Commentarii... ... Clarkii, Cura Et Studio Francisci Oudendor - Ulan Press

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Book: Joannis Meursii Elegantiae Latini Sermonis Seu Aloisia Sigaea Toletana De Arcanis Amoris & Veneris: Adjunctis Fragmentis Quibusdam Eroticis, Volume 2 - Ulan Press

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Book: Guidon de la navigation ou Traité du mouvement de la mer des vents traduit du latin dIsaac Vossius

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Book: A defence of Arch-bishop Usher against Dr. Cary and Dr. Isaac Vossius together with an introduction concerning the uncertainty of chronology ... / by John Milner. (1694) - EEBO Editions, ProQuest

Book: English etymology / Lemon, George William; or, a derivative dictionary of the English language: in two alphabets. ... The whole compiled from Vossius, ... By the Reverend George William Lemon, ... - RareBooksClub.com

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